Looking for a college church in the DMV Area?

We are a network of churches located in the DMV (DC, Virginia, Maryland).

With us, you’ll find a wide range of people from those who have grown up in the church to those who are learning about Christianity for the first time. Regardless of your religious background, we want to welcome all of you here!

Contact us for more information.

And if you’re outside of the DMV area, see all of our locations below!


Special Talk 👈

The problem of pain

We are hosting a 1-hour special talk entitled, “The Problem of Pain” to answer questions on the topic of pain and suffering from a biblical perspective. Can’t attend in person? No worries! Join us virtually through the link provided below!

🗓️ Date: Sunday, 4/14/2024

⏰ Time: 3:30 PM

📍 Location: Castle Sports 318 South College Ave

Kitty corner from Laurel Hall, University of Delawar

Our college Ministries

Our international Ministries

We’d love to connect with you!

Feel free to contact us for any questions or more information.